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2709 - Greatest Common Divisor Traversal

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums, and you are allowed to traverse between its indices. You can traverse between index i and index j, i != j, if and only if gcd(nums[i], nums[j]) > 1, where gcd is the greatest common divisor.

Your task is to determine if for every pair of indices i and j in nums, where i < j, there exists a sequence of traversals that can take us from i to j.

Return true if it is possible to traverse between all such pairs of indices, or false otherwise.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [2,3,6]
Output: true
Explanation: In this example, there are 3 possible pairs of indices: (0, 1), (0, 2), and (1, 2).
To go from index 0 to index 1, we can use the sequence of traversals 0 -> 2 -> 1, where we move from index 0 to index 2 because gcd(nums[0], nums[2]) = gcd(2, 6) = 2 > 1, and then move from index 2 to index 1 because gcd(nums[2], nums[1]) = gcd(6, 3) = 3 > 1.
To go from index 0 to index 2, we can just go directly because gcd(nums[0], nums[2]) = gcd(2, 6) = 2 > 1. Likewise, to go from index 1 to index 2, we can just go directly because gcd(nums[1], nums[2]) = gcd(3, 6) = 3 > 1.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,9,5]
Output: false
Explanation: No sequence of traversals can take us from index 0 to index 2 in this example. So, we return false.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [4,3,12,8]
Output: true
Explanation: There are 6 possible pairs of indices to traverse between: (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), and (2, 3). A valid sequence of traversals exists for each pair, so we return true.


  • 11 \leq nums.length 105\leq 10^5
  • 1numsi1051 \leq nums_i \leq 10^5

Approach 1: Prime Factorization

RFirst let us see how to build the graph. Naive way of building graph would be to iterate over all (i,j)(i, j) pairs and check if gcd(numsi,numsj)>1\gcd(nums_i, nums_j) > 1. If it is then add an edge bweten them, else not. But this approch will take O(n2)O(n^2) operations in worst case, which will not pass.

A different way to build graph could be to add edge between pp and numsinums_i if pp is a prime factor of numsinums_i. Since any number nn has atmost log(n)log(n) prime factors so we will have atmost nlog(n)n \cdot log(n) edges in the graph. But while counting component we need to make sure that the node is present in nums. If it isn't then it can serve as a bridge connecting two numbers from nums, but it should not included in count of nodes in connected component.

We need to take care of few corner cases first. If there are more than one 11 then we can never reach/leave all 11. If there is only one 11 then we can choose it as starting point. Since gcd(1,x)=1\gcd(1, x) = 1, so we can never leave the vertex. In this case answer is true if size(nums) == 1.

Written by @Ishwarendra
class Solution {
// g = graph using which we can find maximum connected component size
vector<vector<int>> g;

vector<int> minPrime(int MAX) {
vector<int> min_prime(MAX + 1);
iota(std::begin(min_prime), std::end(min_prime), 0);

for (int i = 2; i * i <= MAX; i++) {
if (min_prime[i] != i) continue;
for (int j = i * i; j <= MAX; j += i) min_prime[j] = std::min(min_prime[j], i);

return min_prime;

vector<int> getPrimeFactorsInLogn(int n, std::vector<int> &min_prime) {
vector<int> prime_factors;

while (n > 1) {
int smallest_prime_factor_of_n = min_prime[n];

// Since we only need unique prime factors so we won't push same number again and again
if (n % smallest_prime_factor_of_n == 0) prime_factors.push_back(smallest_prime_factor_of_n);

// Remove the prime factor `i` completely from n
while (n % smallest_prime_factor_of_n == 0) n /= smallest_prime_factor_of_n;

return prime_factors;

void bfs(int src, std::vector<bool> &vis) {
queue<int> q;
vis[src] = true;

while (!q.empty()) {
int node = q.front();

for (int child : g[node]) {
if (!vis[child]) {
vis[child] = true;
bool canTraverseAllPairs(vector<int>& nums) {
// if nums contain 1 then we can never reach that vertex/leave that vertex.
int cnt_1 = count(begin(nums), end(nums), 1);
if (cnt_1 > 1 || (cnt_1 == 1 and size(nums) > 1))
return false;

int max_elem = *max_element(begin(nums), end(nums));
auto min_prime = minPrime(max_elem + 1);

g.resize(max_elem + 1);
vector<bool> vis(max_elem + 1);

for (int num : nums) {
auto pf = getPrimeFactorsInLogn(num, min_prime);

for (auto prime : pf) {
if (prime == num) continue;

// num and prime has gcd > 1

bfs(nums[0], vis);
for (auto num : nums) {
if (!vis[num]) return false;

return true;
  • Time Complexity: O(MAX+nlog(n))O(MAX + n \cdot log(n)), where MAXMAX is the max element of nums and nn is length of nums.
  • Space Complexity: O(MAX+nlog(n))O(MAX + n \cdot log(n)), as we are building a graph of nlog(n)n \cdot log(n) edges and (MAX+1)(MAX + 1) nodes.