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Combinatorics is primarily involved with art of counting. This includes counting number of ways for a certain position to occur, to arrange some objects according to given rules or choosing some objects from a collection. Quite often, the required number takes a very large value, thus it is a very common practice to return the answer by taking modulo with some prime number pp (which is 1e9+71e9 + 7 quite often, and quite recently 998244353998244353 also has become prominent). You can read more about modulo here.

Finding (nr)n \choose r

Pronounced "n choose r", this is the mathematical notation to represent number of ways to choose r objects out of a collection of n objects. The analytical formula can be written as (nr)n \choose r == n!r!(nr)!\frac{n!}{r!\,(n - r)!}.

This leads to a neat recurrence relation: (nr)n \choose r == (n1r)n - 1 \choose r + (n1r1)n - 1 \choose r - 1 \\

We can precompute all the required values using the above formula in O(n2)O(n^2) and then perform lookup in O(1)O(1) time. The resulting values also form Pascal's Triangle.

Example #1: 2221 - Find Triangular Sum of an Array

The important insight here is that the figure provided is nothing but an inverted Pascal's Triangle and contribution of each cell in the final sum is the value of cell multiplied by the binomial coefficient at the particular position in Pascal's Triangle.

Thus for the cell at ithi^{th} index in the topmost row, it's value is multiplied by (n1i)n - 1 \choose i and added to the final sum modulo10modulo\,10. Time Complexity of the program is O(n2)O(n^2) for computing the binomial coefficient and O(n)O(n) Space complexity.

class Solution {
int triangularSum(vector<int>& nums) {
int n = nums.size();
vector<int> pascalTriangleRow = {1};
// calculate the ith row using (i - 1)th row
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
vector<int> nextRow = {1};
for(int j = 1; j < i; j++){
nextRow.push_back((pascalTriangleRow[j] + pascalTriangleRow[j - 1]) % 10);
pascalTriangleRow = nextRow;
// calculate the final answer as discussed above
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ans += (nums[i] * pascalTriangleRow[i]) % 10;
return ans%10;

Sometimes it is not possible to calculate the entirety of Pascal's Triangle due to larger values of nn. In this case, we begin by precomputing x!$$\, \forall$$\,$$x \in [{0, n}]. Similarly, we will also precompute the modular inverses. This can be achieved in O(n)O(n) time. Thus we can now compute (nr)n \choose r using the analytical equation presented earlier. You can read about modular inverses here

The implementation of above can be as follows:

struct comb{
int mod;
// make arrays to store the factorial and inverse factorial modulo m
vector<long long int> factorial;
vector<long long int> inverse_factorial;

// N is the maximum value possible of input
comb (int N, int mod_in = 1e9 + 7) {
// calculate values for factorial
mod = mod_in;
for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++) factorial.push_back((factorial.back() * i) % mod);

// calculate values for inverse factorial
vector<long long int> inverse;
for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
inverse.push_back((mod - ((mod/i) * inverse[mod%i]) % mod) % mod);
inverse_factorial.push_back((inverse_factorial[i - 1] * inverse[i]) % mod);

// function to calculate nCr(n, r)
long long int nCr(int n, int r){
if ((r < 0) || (r > n)) return 0;
return ((factorial[n] * inverse_factorial[r]) % mod * inverse_factorial[n - r]) % mod;

For further reading, you can visit cp-algorithms.

Finding the nthn^{th} catalan number

This is a very famous sequence of natural numbers and has a variety of applications.

  • Number of ways to make balanced bracket sequences using nn left and nn right brackets.
  • Number of ways to make binary trees
  • Number of ways to form a mountain range with nn upstrokes and downstrokes. \\

Here is a more exhastive list.

The nthn^{th} Catalan number can be found using the formula:

Cn=1n+1(2nn)C_n = \frac{1}{n + 1} {2n \choose n}

Example #2: 1863 - Sum of All Subset XOR Totals

This is an example of a very tricky problem which heavily simplifies after using some Combinatorics and Bit Manipulation

Here we will consider the ithi^{th} bit from the right. Let's say that the ithi^{th} bit is set in kk out of nn numbers in some given subset. If kk is odd, then ithi^{th} bit is set in the XOR of all numbers of the subset, otherwise, it is not set.

Hence if there are mm numbers out of nn with ithi^{th} bit set, then the contribution of the bit is PlacevalueofthebitPlace\,value\,of\,the\,bit * numberofwaystogetoddknumber\,of\,ways\,to\,get\,odd\,k

Thus we can find k=1k<=m\sum_{k = 1}^{k <= m} (mk)m \choose k for all odd values of kk, which comes out to 2m12^{m - 1}. Furthermore, we can choose the remaining elements in the subset in 2nm2^{n - m} ways by similar logic. Hence total ways to get odd values of kk are 2n12^{n - 1}, which is independent of both mm and kk.

Hence all we need to do is find bits which are set atleast once (by computing OR) and then multiply the final answer with 2n12^{n - 1}. Time Complexity of the program is O(n)O(n) with O(1)O(1) Space Complexity.

class Solution {
int subsetXORSum(vector<int>& nums) {
int arrayOR = 0;
// do OR of whole array to obtain bits which are set atleast once
for (int num : nums) arrayOR |= num;
// compute the final answer using the formula discussed
return arrayOR * (1 << (nums.size() - 1));

Example #3: 0062 - Unique Paths

Here our robot always goes either down or right. We know that we have to go down m1m - 1 times and go left n1n - 1 times. Thus we need to find the number of ways to arrange these. One way to visualize this is if we have m+n2m + n - 2 blank spaces, and we have to fill n1n - 1 of them using RR (representing going right) and remaining using DD (representing going down). Then we can just choose the number of spaces to fill with LL from total number of spaces. The the final solution is simply (m+n2n1)m + n - 2 \choose n - 1.

Notice that we are not required to return the value after taking modulo and the constraints allow for a O(n2)O(n^2) precomputation. Thus, we will simply construct the entire Pascal's Triangle and query it everytime to calculate the answer.

class Solution {
int uniquePaths(int m, int n) {
// the upper limit is m + n - 2 = 198
vector<vector<long long int>> PascalTriangle(199, vector<long long int> ());
PascalTriangle[0] = {1};
// calculating every row of the triangle
for (int i = 1; i <= 198; i++) {
// using the recurrence relation.
for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
// take mod with INT_MAX as otherwise some values may overflow.
PascalTriangle[i].push_back((PascalTriangle[i - 1][j] + PascalTriangle[i - 1][j - 1]) % INT_MAX);
// query the final answer
return PascalTriangle[m + n - 2][n - 1];

NOTE: Since every testcase only asks us to find (nr)n \choose r for particular values of nn and rr, we can instead of precomputing the entire Pascal's Triangle, just compute the paricular value of (nr)n \choose r using the recurrence relation and memoization. This will lead to less time and space complexity, as we only calculate the values we need. Also, then we no longer need to take modulo with INT_MAX as all the values will fit in the "int" type as mentioned in the question.

You can check the complete solution for this problem here

Example #4: 2400 - Number of Ways to Reach a Position After Exactly k Steps

Let's represent going left as 1-1 and going right as +1+1. Thus, following the same idea as before, we have kk blanks to fill with +1+1 and 1-1 such that there sum is equal to endPosstartPosendPos - startPos.

Here we can immediately see that such will be impossible in only 2 cases:

  • The parity of kk and endPosstartPosendPos - startPos is different.
  • The magnitude of kk is less than magnitude of endPosstartPosendPos - startPos.

After checking for above 2 cases, we know for sure that there exists a solution. Now we can just find the number of 1s1's and 1s-1's required to sum to endPosstartPosendPos - startPos. Expressing this as an equation:

(1)a+(1)b=endPosstartPos(1) * a + (-1) * b = endPos - startPos, such that a+b=ka + b = k

Here aa represents the number of 11, i.e., the right steps and similarly bb represents number of 1-1, i.e., the number of left steps. We are now interested in finding the number of possible values of aa and bb such that the above equations are satisfied.

Adding both equations,

2a2a == endPosstartPos+kendPos - startPos + k


aa == k+endPosstartPos2\frac{k \, + \, endPos \, - \, startPos}{2}

Similarly, by subtracting the equations and simplifying,

bb == kendPos+startPos2\frac{k \, - \, endPos \, + \, startPos}{2}

Then the solution is (ka)k \choose a == (kb)k \choose b as we need to find number of ways to choose aa or bb moves, out of kk moves.

Thus, we need to find nCrnCr (k,kendPos+startPos2)(k, \frac{k - endPos + startPos}{2}).

To implement this, you can both precompute the entire Pascal's Triangle, or use concept of mudular inverses to find the required value.

You can check the complete solution for this problem here

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  1. cp-algorithms