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A palindrome reads the same forward and backward. amanaplanacanalpanama and 10101 are the examples of palindrome.

There are multiple ways to check if a string is a palindrome or not.


As we know it reads the same forward and backward, which means s[0]s[0] is same as s[n1]s[n - 1], s[1]s[1] is same as s[n2]s[n - 2] and so on. Therefore, we can iterate n/2n / 2 times to check if the left side is same as the right side.

Written by @wkw
bool isPalindrome(const string& s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.size() / 2; i++) {
if (s[i] != s[s.size() - i - 1]) {
return false;
return true;

Built-in Functions

We can directly use built-in function to reverse a string and check if it is same as the target one.

Written by @wkw
bool isPalindrome(const string& s) {
string t = s;
reverse(t.begin(), t.end());
return s == t;
Written by @wkw
bool isPalindrome(const string& s) {
return s == string(s.rbegin(), s.rend());
Written by @wkw
bool isPalindrome(const string &s) {
return equal(s.begin(), s.begin() + s.size() / 2, s.rbegin());

Palindrome with Range

For a given range, we can follow the same idea to use two pointers to check if a sub-string is a palindrome .

Written by @wkw
bool palindromeWithRange(string s, int i, int j) {
while (i < j) {
if (s[i] != s[j]) return false;
i++, j--;
return true;