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0869 - Reordered Power of 2 (Medium)

Problem Statement

You are given an integer n. We reorder the digits in any order (including the original order) such that the leading digit is not zero.

Return true if and only if we can do this so that the resulting number is a power of two.

Example 1:

Input: n = 1
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: n = 10
Output: false


  • 1 <= n <= 10^9

Approach 1: Sorting

Written by @wkw
class Solution {
string sortStr(int n) {
// since the input is an integer,
// we convert it to a string first
string t = to_string(n);
// use STL to sort
sort(t.begin(), t.end());
// return the string
return t;

// the idea is to sort `n` and compare all sorted power of two
// if they are matched, then it means they can be reordered to each other
bool reorderedPowerOf2(int n) {
// since the sorted string of n is always same
// so we convert it here instead of doing it in the loop
string s = sortStr(n);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
// power of 2 = 1 << i
// we sort each power of 2 string
string t = sortStr(1 << i);
// and compare with `s`
// if they are matched, then return true
if (s == t) return true;
// otherwise it is not possible to reorder to a power of 2
return false;