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Linked List



In this tutorial you will learn about Linked Lists, and its implementation using Java.

Problem with using Arrays was that we have to have some idea about the size of the array that we require. To counter this we learnt about dynamic arrays. Linked list is another approach to tackle this problem. In linked lists we do not have to worry about the size at all.

A linked list is a linear data structure that has a series of connected nodes. Each node has two fields, datadata and an addressaddress. We call the start of a linked list, headhead. We can all it anything but by convention, we'll call it headhead.

Representation of a Linked List

Each node in a linked list contains:

  • A data item
  • Address of next node

Both of these items are wrapped together in a class:

Written by @itsmenikhill
class Node {
int data;
Node next;

public Node(){ = data; = null;

Now we will create a Linked list using this Node class:

Written by @itsmenikhill
class LinkedList {
Node node1 = new Node();
Node node2 = new Node();
Node node3 = new Node();
// set 10 as the value for 1st node = 10;
// set node2 as the next node for node1 = node2;
// set 20 as the value for 2nd node = 20;
// set node3 as the next node for node2 = node3;
// set 30 as the value for 3rd node = 30;
// this is not required. By default next of a node is NULL = null;


So now we have our first linked list.


The asterisk (*) signifies the address of the node, and not the value of that node.

Linked List in Memory

In arrays the elements are contiguous, which means they are placed one after the other in the memory. However, in linked lists, the elements are scattered in the memory.

When we declare an integer array of size 1515, we would require 60 bytes of contiguous space in the memory to store the elements of that array. But in linked list we would only have to find 44 bytes to store the first element and from there, we look for another 44 bytes to store the next element. So, we see that the linked list items are scattered in memory unlike arrays.

That is the advantage linked lists have over array when it comes to memory. We have to look for smaller spaces to store the items, rather than chunks of contiguous space.


Numbers with # behind them are the addresses in memory where these nodes are stored. Here, headhead stores the address for node1node1 and node1node1 stores the address for node2node2. Notice that the address are not sequential.

Basic Linked list operations

  • Traversal
  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Search

Let's see their implementation in a linked list.


We have to access each element of the linked list. Remember, the headhead points to the first node, and the nextnext pointer of the last node points to nullnull.

Traversing through the linked list is fairly simple. We keep moving from the head towards the end of the list. We would know we have reached the last node when nextnext points to nullnull.

Written by @itsmenikhill
// temp pointer that points to head initially
Node temp = head;
// check if next points to null
while ( != null) {
// print the data stored in the current node
// move temp to the next node
temp =;

You are given the head of a linked list and a number. Check if the given number is present in the linked list or not. Return true if present, else return false.

We will traverse the list and at each node we will check if we have the required element in the current node or not. If we found the element, return true. If we have iterated over the list and not not found the number, we will return false.

Written by @itsmenikhill
public static boolean findElement(Node head, int target){
Node ptr = head;
while (ptr != null) {
// compare the node element and the target number
if ( == target) {
// number found
return true;
// move pointer to the next node
ptr =;
// number not found
return false;

Inserting an element to the Linked list

We can add element to the beginning, middle or at the end of the linked list.

Inserting at the beginning

You are given a linked list [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [5][5] -> nullnull and we have to add another node [1][1] to the front. How would you do this?


  • Allocate memory for a new node
  • Store the data
  • Point nextnext of new node to headhead
  • Point headhead to the new node
Written by @itsmenikhill
// allocate memory
Node newNode = new Node();
// store data = 1;
// point next of new node to head = head;
// make head point to new node
head = newNode;

Inserting at the middle

You are given a linked list [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [5][5] -> [6][6] -> nullnull. Insert a new node [7][7] at the 3rd place to make the final list as [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [7][7] -> [5][5] -> [6][6] -> nullnull.


  • Allocate memory for the new node
  • Store the data in the new node
  • Traverse to the node just before the required index
  • Change the pointers
Written by @itsmenikhill
Node newNode = new Node(); = 7;
Node temp = head;

// position at which we want to insert the new element
int pos = 3;

// loop runs only for i=2. when i=3, pos=3 as well, hence loop terminates.
for (int i = 2; i < pos; i++) {
if(!=null) {
temp =;
// here temp points to the 2nd node =;
// new node inserted after temp. = newNode;

One important thing to note here is that before breaking any connection in the linked list, we must first make the new connections. Make first, break later.

Inserting at the end

You are given a linked list [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [5][5] -> [6][6] -> nullnull. Insert a new node [7][7] at the end to make the final list as [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [5][5] -> [6][6] -> [7][7] -> nullnull


  • Allocate memory for the new node
  • Store the data in the new node
  • Traverse till the end of the list
  • Make the nextnext of the last node point to the new node
Written by @itsmenikhill
Node newNode = new Node(); = 7;
Node temp = head;

// when is null, we'll know we are at the last node
while ( != null) {
// move pointer to the next node
temp =;

// temp is now at the last node.
// point $next$ of the last node to the new node = newNode;

Deleting an element from the Linked list

We can delete the first node, or the last node, or some other position in the middle.

Deleting from the beginning

To delete from the beginning we just have to move the headhead to its next, so that no pointer would be pointing to the first node.

Written by @itsmenikhill
// change the pointer from the head node, to the next node.
head =;

Deleting from the end

  • Move the pointer to the second last node
  • Set the nextnext pointer of second last node to point to nullnull
Written by @itsmenikhill
Node temp = head;
// move the pointer to the second last node
while ( != null) {
// move the current pointer to the next node
temp =;
} = null;

Deleting from any position in the middle

  • Traverse to the element just before the node to delete
  • Change the next of this node to point to next of the node to delete
Written by @itsmenikhill
Node temp = head;
// we are running the loop from 2 node because we have to move to the node
// just before the node we want to remove
for (int i = 2; i < pos; i++) {
// change pointer from current node to the next node
temp =;
} =;

Search for an item in the list

  • Make a temporary pointer ptrptr point to headhead
  • Move ptrptr to next node until ptrptr is nullnull
  • At each iteration, check if the data in ptrptr is same as the number we want. If yes, then return truetrue
  • Return falsefalse if number not found
Written by @itsmenikhill
Node ptr = head;
while (ptr != null) {
// check if data in current node matches the number we are looking for
if ( == num) {
// return true if number found
return true;
// move ptr to the next node
ptr =;
// return false if number not found
return false;

Complexity Analysis

Look upO(N)O(N)We will have to iterate from head till the element we want
Insertion at beginningO(1)O(1)Simply change the head pointer
Insertion at the endO(N)O(N)Move from the head to the last item then change the pointers
Deletion from the beginningO(1)O(1)Simply change the head pointer
Deletion from the endO(N)O(N)Move from the head to the node just before the item you want to delete

Example: 0237 - Delete Node in a Linked List

There is a singly linked list. You have to delete a nodenode from the list. You are given the nodenode to delete but not the headhead of the > list. Delete the given nodenode. Note that by deleting the nodenode, we donotdo not mean removing it from memory. We mean:

  • The value of the given node should not exist in the linked list.
  • The number of nodes in the linked list should decrease by one.
  • All the values before node should be in the same order.
  • All the values after node should be in the same order.

Change the value of the currentnodecurrent node to the value of the nextnext node. Do this until the last node.

Written by @itsmenikhill
class Solution {
// we are given a node to delete
public void deleteNode(ListNode node) {
// check if the current node is second last node
// change the value of current node to the value of next node
node.val =;
// move node to the next node;

// we are at the second last node
// change value of the last node to the value of next node
node.val =;
// change the next of last node to null = null;

Example: 0019 - Remove Nth Node From End of List

Given the head of a linked list, remove the nth node from the end of the list and return its head. Given Linked list: [1][1] -> [2][2] -> [3][3] -> [4][4] -> [5][5] for n=2n = 2 change the list to [1][1] -> [2][2] -> [3][3] -> [5][5].


  • First we find the size of the list
  • nthnth node from the endend is the size(n+1)thsize - (n + 1)th node from the frontfront
  • Once we have the size, we can iterate over the list till the node just before the node to remove
  • Change the pointers to remove the node
Written by @itsmenikhill
class Solution {
public ListNode removeNthFromEnd(ListNode head, int n) {
ListNode ptr = head;
// find the size
int size = findSize(head);
ptr = head;

// if size is equal to the n, remove node at head
if (size == n) {
ptr =;
head = ptr;
return head;

// move ptr to the node just before the node to remove
for (int i = 0; i< size - n - 1; i++) {
ptr =;

// check if the node to remove is the last node
if ( != null){ =;
} else {;
return head;

// method to find the size of the list
public int findSize(ListNode head) {
// temporary pointer at head
ListNode ptr = head;
int size = 0;
// increase the size till we reach the end of the list
while (ptr != null) {
size += 1;
ptr =;
return size;

Example: 0234 - Palindrome Linked List

Given the headhead of a singly linked list, return truetrue if it is a palindromepalindrome or falsefalse otherwise.


  • We use twopointertwo pointer method and recursionrecursion to solve this problem
  • We keep a globalglobal left pointer, that points to the current left node
  • As we go deep in recursion we move our rightright pointer forward towards the end of the list
  • When rightright pointer is at the end we compare its value to the leftleft node
  • If they are same we move leftleft pointer forward and come out of the recursion
  • As we come out of the recursive call, out rightright pointer would move towards leftleft
  • If at any point the values are not same, we return falsefalse
Written by @itsmenikhill
class Solution {
// global left pointer
static ListNode left;
public boolean isPalindrome(ListNode head) {
// point the left to head
left = head;
boolean b = check(head);
return b;

// recursive method that moves pointer towards right and compares values
private boolean check(ListNode right){
// if right is null, we have reached the end of the list
if(right == null){
return true;

boolean b = check(;
// if at any point b is false, we return false. If this happens even once,
// no further comparisons would happen and each recursive call would return false
if(b == false){
return false;
} else {
// else compare the values
// if values are equal, move left towards right and return true to the previous call
if (left.val == right.val) {
left =;
return true;
} else {
// if values not same, return false
return false;

Example: 0328 - Odd Even Linked List

Given the headhead of a singly linked list, group all the nodes with odd indices together followed by the nodes with even indices, and return the reordered list.

The firstfirst node is considered oddodd, and the secondsecond node is eveneven, and so on.

Note that the relative order inside both the even and odd groups should remain as it was in the input.

You must solve the problem in O(1) extra space complexity and O(n) time complexity.


  • We maintain three pointers, oddodd at the first node, eveneven at the second node and evenheadevenhead also at the second node.
  • evenheadevenhead will not be changed. It will point to the starting of the list of even nodes.
  • The node after every even node, is an odd node.
  • So, nextnext node for current oddodd node, would be nextnext node of the current eveneven node.
  • And nextnext node for the current eveneven node, would be nextnext node of the just changed oddodd node.
Written by @itsmenikhill
class Solution {
public ListNode oddEvenList(ListNode head) {
// we check if there are at least three nodes in the list
// if there are only two nodes, then first node is even and second node is odd
// if only one node, then first node is odd
// so just return head
if (head == null || == null || == null) {
return head;

// odd is at head
ListNode odd = head;
// make second node as even
ListNode even =;
// keep a pointer evenhead at even. This will not be changed.
ListNode evenHead = even;

// we have to move odd to next of even
// so we check is is null of even is null
while (even != null && != null) {
// if not, then make point to =;
// move odd to
odd =;
// to =;
// move even to
even =;

// at this point we have connected all the even nodes together, and all odd nodes together
// now we connect the odd nodes, and even nodes = evenHead;
return head;

Suggested Problems

Problem NameDifficultySolution Link
206. Reverse Linked ListEasyN/A
86. Partition ListMediumN/A
148. Sort ListMediumN/A