📄️ Introduction
Introduction and overview of sorting
📄️ Bubble Sort
It is sorting algorithm based on the idea of repeatedly comparing pairs of adjacent elements and then swapping their positions if they exist in the wrong order.
📄️ Cyclic Sort
Cyclic Sort is a comparison sort algorithm that is theoretically optimal in terms of the total number of writes to the original array.
📄️ Insertion Sort
An sorting algorithm based on picking one element at a time and inserting it in sorted order.
📄️ Merge Sort
A sorting algorithm based on divide-and-conquer strategy
📄️ Selection Sort
Selection sort is an comparison sorting algorithm that finds the minimum value each time.
📄️ Shell Sort
Sorting algorithm using a gap-based strategy to improve efficiency of sorting process
📄️ Tim Sort
Timsort is a fast stable sorting algorithm based upon insertion sort and merge sort.