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Depth First Search (DFS)



In Depth-First Search (DFS), we aim to finish one branch before looking at other branches.

A good example of DFS is the following problem (LeetCode Link):

Given the root of a binary tree, return its maximum depth.

A binary tree's maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.

We want to know how far we can travel from the root, so we try one path at a time. (Of course, this problem can be solved by Breadth-First-Search , but DFS is more intuitive)

DFS can be implemented in the following way

def dfs(node):
if(node == None):
# we stop when node is invalid

# explore left branch first

# evalute current node
print("I just visited the left branch!")
print("I am number: " + str(node.val))
print("I am visiting the right branch now!")

# explore right branch

With this template of DFS, we can modify the function above to obtain the depth of each branch

def findMaximumDepth(root):

def dfs(node):
if(node == None):
# we stop when node is invalid
return 0

# explore left branch first
left_branch_depth = dfs(node.left)

print("I just visited the left branch!")
print("I am visiting the right branch now!")

# explore right branch
right_branch_depth = dfs(node.right)

# return the larger depth of the two branches
return max(left_branch_depth, right_branch_depth) + 1

return dfs(root)

There we go! This is a simple DFS problem. We are going to work through a few more DFS problems together.

Let's look at another problem (LeetCode Link)

Given the root of a binary tree, return the length of the diameter of the tree.

The diameter of a binary tree is the length of the longest path between any two nodes in a tree. This path may or may not pass through the root.

The length of a path between two nodes is represented by the number of edges between them.

This problem may seem difficult at first glance. However it is just a minor tweak from the previous problem. The longest path between two nodes would be the sum of the maximum depth of the left branch and that of the right branch. Modify the code above before you look at the solution below.

def findTreeDiameter(root):
diameter = 0

def dfs(node):
if(node == None):
# we stop when node is invalid
return 0

# explore left branch first
left_branch_depth = dfs(node.left)

print("I just visited the left branch!")
print("I am visiting the right branch now!")

# explore right branch
right_branch_depth = dfs(node.right)

#the longest path at the current node is the maximum depth of left and right
local_diameter = left_brach_depth + right_branch_depth + 1

#update the global variable
nonlocal diameter
diameter = max(diameter, local_diameter)

# return the larger depth of the two branches
return max(left_branch_depth, right_branch_depth) + 1


return diameter

Here are some similar problems in which you can tweak the template above to obtain a solution.

Suggested Problems

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0404 - Sum of Left LeavesEasyView Solutions
0110 - Balanced Binary TreeEasyView Solutions
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