0678 - Valid Parenthesis String (Medium)
Problem Link
Problem Statement
Given a string s
containing only three types of characters: '('
, ')'
and '*'
, return true
if s
is valid.
The following rules define a valid string:
- Any left parenthesis
must have a corresponding right parenthesis')'
. - Any right parenthesis
must have a corresponding left parenthesis'('
. - Left parenthesis
must go before the corresponding right parenthesis')'
. '*'
could be treated as a single right parenthesis')'
or a single left parenthesis'('
or an empty string""
Example 1:
Input: s = "()"
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: s = "(*)"
Output: true
Example 3:
Input: s = "(*))"
Output: true
1 <= s.length <= 100
Approach 1: Greedy
If there were no characters, we could easily do this, using an integer, and just tracking chars as a and as a . Returning False, if the result ever goes negative, and True if the final result is .
The throws a little wrench, so instead we can track two integers. Both a min balance and a max balance. That is for the min balance we can do the same thing and treat all characters as but reset to zero if the result ever goes negative. This would be us converting a to something else.
Then for the max balance, we can do the same, but treat all as . Then we know if the max balance ever reaches negative, that we absolutely can't create a valid string, as we don't have enough , and as long as our max balance is positive, we can reset our min balance to 0 to convert our into something else.
If in the end, our min balance is 0, then we can create a balanced string.
Time Complexity: , we just need to iterate through each character once.
Space Complexity: , we can do this in constant time just tracking our max and min balances.
- Python
class Solution:
# track 2 values, min_balance and max_balance which represent
# the balance of parenthesis. Positive means, we have more '('
# negative means we have more ')'.
# The min_balance value will represent the lowest balance of
# parenthesis. This means we always convert a '*' to a ')',
# without going negative. This means we can reconvert a '*'
# if the value ever does go negative.
# The max_balance value will represent the highest balance of
# parenthesis. Meaning we will always convert a '*' into a '('
# If the max_balance ever hits negative, it means we have way
# too many ')' to create a balanced parenthesis string.
# So as long as max_balance is positive, we can always reset
# min_balance to 0, as we can convert a '*' into something else.
def checkValidString(self, s: str) -> bool:
# initialize min and max balances
min_balance, max_balance = 0, 0
# iterate through each character in the string
for ch in s:
if ch == '(':
# Open parenthesis always adjust our balance positive
min_balance += 1
max_balance += 1
elif ch == ')':
# close parenthesis lowers both balances, but if
# If the min reaches negative, reset it to 0.
min_balance = max(0, min_balance - 1)
max_balance -= 1
elif ch == '*':
# For min balance consider the '*' a ')', if we
# reach negative, convert it to something else.
min_balance = max(0, min_balance - 1)
# add it as open '(' parenthesis.
max_balance += 1
# max ever reaches 0, since we are always converting '*'
# into '(', it means we have way too many ')'.
if max_balance < 0:
return False
# if our min_balance reached 0, it means we have an even number
# of parenthesis, so then it returns True. If not, then it will
# return False.
return min_balance == 0