2131 - Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words (Medium)
Problem Link
Problem Statement
You are given an array of strings words
. Each element of words
consists of two lowercase English letters.
Create the longest possible palindrome by selecting some elements from words
and concatenating them in any order. Each element can be selected at most once.
Return the length of the longest palindrome that you can create. If it is impossible to create any palindrome, return 0
A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward.
Example 1:
Input: words = ["lc","cl","gg"]
Output: 6
Explanation: One longest palindrome is "lc" + "gg" + "cl" = "lcggcl", of length 6.
Note that "clgglc" is another longest palindrome that can be created.
Example 2:
Input: words = ["ab","ty","yt","lc","cl","ab"]
Output: 8
Explanation: One longest palindrome is "ty" + "lc" + "cl" + "yt" = "tylcclyt", of length 8.
Note that "lcyttycl" is another longest palindrome that can be created.
Example 3:
Input: words = ["cc","ll","xx"]
Output: 2
Explanation: One longest palindrome is "cc", of length 2.
Note that "ll" is another longest palindrome that can be created, and so is "xx".
1 <= words.length <= 1e5
words[i].length == 2
consists of lowercase English letters.
Approach 1: Hash Map
- C++
// a palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward
// e.g. "aa", "abba", "aaaa", "lcggcl", etc ...
// we can see that the left half part is the reversed version of the right half part
// e.g. "a | a", "ab | ba", "aa | aa", "lcg | gcl", etc ...
// for example, if we have "ab" and "ba", we can form "abba" which is a palindrome
// and if we have "lc" and "cl", we can form "lccl"
// and we can add it to the previous palindrome in the middle place to make it longer
// e.g. ab[lccl]ba -> ablcclba
// case 1: the word is not same as the reversed self, e.g. "ab" != "ba"
// in this case, we need its reveresd string, i.e. ba to form "abba" as a palindrome
// case 2: the word is same as the reversed self, e.g. "aa" == "aa"
// case 2.1: if it is even, we could place it in the middle or on the side
// e.g. [aa]abba[aa]
// case 2.2: if the frequency of "aa" is odd, we could only place it in the middle
// e.g. ab[aa]ba
// since even + 1 = odd, we can put all even "aa" on the side, and put one in the middle
// e.g. [aa]ab[aa]ba[aa]
class Solution {
// to reverse a string, there are multiple ways to do it
// in this example, STL reverse will be used
string reversed(string s) {
string t = s;
reverse(t.begin(), t.end());
return t;
int longestPalindrome(vector<string>& words) {
int ans = 0, middle = 0;
// count the frequency of each word
unordered_map<string, int> cnt;
for (auto word : words) cnt[word]++;
for (auto [s, f] : cnt) {
// using rev(s) is just to generalise the solution
// in this problem, we can just check if s[0] != s[1]
string rev = reversed(s);
if (s != rev) {
// case 1: the word is not same as the reversed self, e.g. "ab" != "ba"
// find the reversed self
if (cnt.count(rev)) {
// if it can be found,
// then we can only include the min of their counts
// e.g. "ab", "ba", "ba", "ba"
// we can only form "abba" as we don't have enough "ab" for the rest of "ba"
// p.s `cnt[s]` is same as `f`
ans += min(cnt[s], cnt[rev]);
// Alternatively, you can use STL
// auto it = cnt.find(rev);
// if (it != cnt.end()) ans += min(f, it->second);
} else {
// case 2: both character are same, e.g. aa
// we can put it on both side
ans += f;
// however, if the frequency is odd
if (f & 1) {
// we can place one in the middle and others on the side
middle = 1;
ans -= 1;
ans += middle;
// at the end, we need to multiply the answer by 2
// e.g. if frequency of "aa" is 2, the longest palindrome is 4 ("aaaa")
return 2 * ans;