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2207 - Maximize Number of Subsequences in a String (Medium)

Problem Statement

You are given a 0-indexed string text and another 0-indexed string pattern of length 2, both of which consist of only lowercase English letters.

You can add either pattern[0] or pattern[1] anywhere in text exactly once. Note that the character can be added even at the beginning or at the end of text.

Return the maximum number of times pattern can occur as a subsequence of the modified text.

A subsequence is a string that can be derived from another string by deleting some or no characters without changing the order of the remaining characters.

Example 1:

Input: text = "abdcdbc", pattern = "ac"
Output: 4
If we add pattern[0] = 'a' in between text[1] and text[2], we get "abadcdbc". Now, the number of times "ac" occurs as a subsequence is 4.
Some other strings which have 4 subsequences "ac" after adding a character to text are "aabdcdbc" and "abdacdbc".
However, strings such as "abdcadbc", "abdccdbc", and "abdcdbcc", although obtainable, have only 3 subsequences "ac" and are thus suboptimal.
It can be shown that it is not possible to get more than 4 subsequences "ac" by adding only one character.

Example 2:

Input: text = "aabb", pattern = "ab"
Output: 6
Some of the strings which can be obtained from text and have 6 subsequences "ab" are "aaabb", "aaabb", and "aabbb".


  • 1 <= text.length <= 10^5
  • pattern.length == 2
  • text and pattern consist only of lowercase English letters.

Approach 1: Counting

We should add pattern[0]pattern[0] to the beginning or add pattern[1]pattern[1] to the end of the text. Therefore, we check both case to see which one is better. We iterate the text and check if the character is equal to pattern[1]pattern[1], if so, we add the frequency of pattern[0]pattern[0]. We increase the frequency of the current character by 11.

Written by @wkw
class Solution {
long long maximumSubsequenceCount(string text, string pattern) {
char f = pattern[0], s = pattern[1];
auto check = [&](string text) -> long long {
long long res = 0, cnt = 0;
for (auto x : text) {
if (x == s) res += cnt;
if (x == f) cnt++;
return res;
// case 1: add pattern[0] at the beginning
long long x = check(f + text);
// case 2: add pattern[1] at the end
long long y = check(text + s);
// take the max one
return max(x, y);